PFA, Photos of Press Conference | Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA). Photo Captions: Photo 1 & 2: Addressing the press conference, in the photo (From Left to Right) Mr. Shubhendra Bhandarkar (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. Ajay Gupte (Hon. Vice President), Mr. Vikas Kakatkar (Hon. President), Mr. Riyaz Baghban (Hon. Secretary), Mr. Rahul Dhole-Patil (Joint Secretary).



PFA, Photos of Press Conference | Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA). 

Photo Captions: Photo 1 & 2:  Addressing the press conference, in the photo (From Left to Right)  Mr. Shubhendra Bhandarkar (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. Ajay Gupte (Hon. Vice President), Mr. Vikas Kakatkar (Hon. President), Mr. Riyaz Baghban (Hon. Secretary), Mr. Rahul Dhole-Patil (Joint Secretary).